Title / Titel:

Information Markets. A Strategic Guideline for the I-Commerce

Author / Autor:

Frank Linde, Wolfgang G. Stock

Source / Quelle:

Information Markets. A Strategic Guideline for the I-Commerce. Berlin, New York: De Gruyter Saur, 2011. XXI, 617 S.

Language / Sprache:

English / Englisch


This book mainly deals with five research questions:
What particularities are displayed by pieces of digital information as economic goods? 
In what environment (society, law, ethics) are information markets located?  What digital goods are traded on information markets? What competitive strategies are pursued by providers on information markets? Which role is played by piracy and the illegal information market?



Chapter 15: Online Advertising

Chapter 18: Pricing

Index of Names, Subject Index


Prof. Dr. rer. pol Frank Linde
Fachhochschule Köln
Institut für Informationswissenschaft
Claudiusstr. 1
50678 Köln