Workshop on "Countability"
September 16-17, 2013
The Collaborative Research Center and the Department of Linguistics
Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, Germany.
Multidisciplinary workshop which addresses theoretical and empirical issues (i) in the study of the mass/count distinction in the nominal domain, and (ii) the parallel distinction(s) in the verbal domain.
Workshop venue: Heinrich-Heine-Saal (Campus South), Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Invited Speakers
- David Barner (University of California, San Diego)
- Jenny Doetjes (Universiteit Leiden)
- Scott Grimm (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
- Manfred Krifka (Humboldt-Universität and ZAS, Berlin )
- Fred Landman (Tel Aviv University)
- Henry Laycock (Queen’s University)
- Susan Rothstein (Bar-Ilan University)
- Tobias Stadtfeld (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
- Roberto Zamparelli (Università degli Studi di Trento)
Call for Papers
Abstracts are solicited for presentations which address theoretical or empirical issues (i) in the study of the mass/count distinction in the nominal domain and/or (ii) the parallel distinction(s) in the verbal domain.
Topics of particular interest include (but are not limited to):
- Cognitive basis of countability, its grammatical manifestations and sources for the cross-linguistic variation in its encoding
- Relations between count and non-count meanings, sort-shifting, type-shifting, and coercion
- Vagueness and gradations of individuation, mess and neat mass nouns
- Parallels and differences in the counting and measuring for noun and verb meanings
- Corpus-based and psychological evidence for the distinction between count and non-count meanings
- Computational modeling
Submission Details
Abstracts must be anonymous, no longer than 2 pages, in PDF format and sent via email to countability.ddorf.submitgmailcom.
Prospective speakers may submit abstracts for one single-authored and one co-authored paper. All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers. Abstracts should not include the authors' names, and authors are asked to avoid self-references.
After submitting your abstract, please send a separate email to countability.ddorf.submitgmailcom with the following information:
- Title of the talk
- Name of author(s)
- Affiliation(s)
- Address(es)
- Phone number(s)
- Email address(es)
Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline: July 1, 2013
Notification of acceptance: July 15, 2013
Workshop date: 16 - 17 September 2013 (Get together on the 15th)
Contact Information
Meeting email:
Submission of Abstracts:
Workshop organizers & program committee
- Hana Filip (Heinrich Heine University)
- Christian Horn (Heinrich Heine University)
A call for contributions to a book based on workshop presentations will be issued after the workshop.