Abschiedsvorlesung von Frau Univ.-Prof. Dr. Vittoria Borsò

Mo 17.06.2013, 16:30 Uhr
Ort: Esther-Betz-Hörsaal (3H), Gebäude 23.21, Ebene 00

Der Dekan der Philosophischen Fakultät, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bruno Bleckmann, lädt ein zur Abschiedsvorlesung von Frau Univ.-Prof. Dr. Vittoria Borsò:

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Michael Piper, Rektor der HHU
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans T. Siepe

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht (Stanford University):
"Die agile Eindimensionalität von Denis Diderot"

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Vittoria Borsò (HHU):
"'Wissen für das Leben'. Einblicke in die Literaturen der Romania"

Anschließend Empfang im Foyer, Gebäude 23.21, Ebene 00



Marianne Hirsch, Columbia University
Leo Spitzer, Dartmouth College

Framing Children: School Pictures and Their Afterlives

Di 11.06.2013; 16:30 - 18:00 h; Großer Vortragsraum, ULB

Taken by commercial photographers with few if any artistic aspirations and little desire to deviate from formulaic representations, school photographs have received little, if any, critical attention. In school pictures, individual children are integrated into a social group, enjoined to practice consent and certified as members of a community and a citizenry. But group photographs always contain multiple meanings that escape the directions of the camera gaze.

Exploring the ideological dimensions of this vernacular photographic genre, this talk focuses on its early history – 19th and early 20th century class photos taken at schools intended for the “civilization” of indigenous and African American children in North America and of colonial children in British West Africa. It examines their political work as visual evidence of the progress and success of assimilationism, and looks at the afterlives of these photos in the work of contemporary artists like Carrie Mae Weems and Steven Deo whose reframing reveals their complex memorial legacies and the shifting affects they elicit.


Die Anglistik 2- American Studies lädt gemeinsam mit dem Institut für Deutsches und Internationales Parteienrecht und Parteienforschung (PRuF) und dem US-Generalkonsulat Düsseldorf herzlich ein zu

Gastvortrag & Diskussion

"The Disunited States?
How to Heal the Divide in American Society and Politics"

mit Bill Bishop
Buchautor und Journalist

Termin & Ort:
Dienstag, 23. April 2013, 16:30 Uhr
HHU Düsseldorf, Universitätsstr. 1
Gebäude 23.11, Raum 03.22

Der fortwährende Haushaltsstreit zwischen Republikanern und Demokraten im US-Kongress hat die ideologische Polarisierung in der amerikanischen Politik auch hierzulande zu einem Begriff gemacht. Unbekannter ist jedoch das Auseinander-driften auf der gesellschaftlichen Ebene: Immer mehr Amerikaner leben in politisch-ideologisch homogenen Hochburgen und ziehen sich zunehmend in Gruppen von Gleichgesinnten zurück. Wir freuen uns, darüber mit einem erfahrenen Beobachter dieser Entwicklungen, Bill Bishop, diskutieren zu können.

Bill Bishop lebt in Austin, Texas, wo er die Webseite "The Daily Yonder" betreibt, die über das Leben im ländlichen Amerika berichtet. Nationale Bekanntheit erreichte er 2008 mit seinem Buch "The Big Sort. Why the clustering of like-minded Americans is tearing us apart", das von der New York Times in die Liste der 100 wichtigsten Bü-cher 2008 aufgenommen wurde. Bill Bishop arbeitete zuvor als Reporter und Kolum-nist für verschiedene regionale Medien. 1989 war er für den Pulitzer-Preis nominiert.

Die Veranstaltung findet im Rahmen des Seminars „Politics and Religion in America“ von Dr. Torben Lütjen statt und steht allen Interessierten offen. Vortrags- und Diskussionssprache ist Englisch.

Kontakt: Nadine Milde ( americasphil.hhude)



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Lecture & Discussion

Prof. William Chandler, UCSD
“The Race to the White House: Candidates, Platforms, Campaigns, and Swing States”

October 25, 2012 ▪ 10:30-12:00h ▪ Großer Vortragsraum, ULB

Presented by Anglistik II & The Americas - Las Américas - Les Amériques, in cooperation with the U.S. Consulate General, Düsseldorf.

In the final rounds of the 2012 US Presidential Campaigns, media reports leave us with a puzzling picture: National polls vary from predicting a near tie between both candidates to forecasting a landslide Obama win. Romney and Obama promise to stand for a clear-cut choice between two vastly different ideologies, yet many Americans in both camps seem to see their candidate merely as a rather unconvincing “lesser evil.”
What are the chances of an Obama or Romney victory? How much do their platforms really differ, and what would either candidate mean for the future of American politics? Join us for a discussion with political analyst William Chandler!

William M. Chandler is Professor of Political Science at the University of California, San Diego. His research has concentrated on the study of political parties, federalism and public policy. Publications include Public Policy and Provincial Politics, Federalism and the Role of the State and Challenges to Federalism: Policy-Making in Canada and West Germany, plus journal articles and book chapters on party government, party system change, European integration and immigration policy.

Welcome: Prof. Dr. Susan Winnett, Ang II - North American Studies

Organization & contact: Nadine Milde (Assistant prof. American Studies / The Americas coordinator). For further information, please contact: americasphil.hhude




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Lecture & Panel Discussion

"Beyond Borders, Out of Bounds?- The Mexican/American Drug War"

with U.S. Consul Whitney Wiedeman and Prof. Tanius Karam Cárdenas

Thursday July 5, 2012 • 14:15 h
Großer Vortragsraum • University Library • HHU Düsseldorf

Narco-trafficking, drug cartel violence, and violent counter-raids are some of the most pressing problems in Mexico today. But the so-called “Mexican Drug War” transcends Mexico’s borders: With weapons imported from the USA to Mexico and drugs exported from Mexico to the USA, the “Mexican” drug war is in reality a trans-American problem with increasingly global ramifications.
This lecture & panel debate addresses the Mexican / American drug war from a transnational and trans-disciplinary perspective, providing an introduction to its history & a discussion of the drug war’s role in current politics, its representation in the media, and the impact of discursive constructions of drug violence on potential solutions.

•    Introduction to background facts & dates: Lena Pletzinger & Isabelle Hauzeur, Master students, MA program The Americas.
•    “Insecurity and Violence in Contemporary Mexico: Understanding Some Features” – Prof. Tanius Karam Cárdenas, Literature, Media, and Cultural Studies; UACM, Mexico City.
•    Panel discussion with Prof. Karam Cárdenas and Consul Whitney Wiedeman,
Deputy Consul General, Head of Political and Economic Section, U.S. Consulate General NRW Düsseldorf; former consular officer in Ciudad Juárez.

Chair & organization:

Nadine Milde (Assistant prof. American Studies / The Americas coordinator)

For further information, please contact:





Bewerbungen / Applications (03/12):

Der Masterstudiengang The Americas - Las Américas - Les Amériques kann leider keine neuen Kandidaten mehr aufnehmen.
Bitte ziehen Sie unsere anderen Masterprogramme mit amerikanistischen Schwerpunkten in Betracht:

The Master programm The Americas - Las Américas - Les Amériques will not be accepting any new candidates as of 2012. 
Please consider our other master programs with American studies foci:

- Master "Comparative Studies in English and American Language, Literature and Culture", Contact / info: Dr. Ingrid-Charlotte Wolter (woltericphil.hhude )

- Master "Romanistik: Kulturkontakte und Kommunikation", Contact / Info Dr. Friedhelm Beckmann (beckmannphil.uni-duesseldorfde ), Dr. Martina Nicklaus (nicklausphil.uni-duesseldorfde )


Nadine Milde, M.A.
Anglistik II/Abteilung für Amerikastudien 
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Universitätsstraße 1
40225 Düsseldorf 


Aktuelle Informationen der Fachschaft Master The Americas finden Sie unter folgendem Link: