Peter Gärdenfors - Representing actions and functional properties in conceptual spaces

In my book ‘Conceptual Spaces’ I have developed a theory of concepts based on geometrical and topological structures in spaces that are built up from “quality dimensions”. Most of the examples in the book deal with perceptual concepts based on di-mensions such as colour, size, shape and sound. However, many of our everyday con-cepts are based on actions and functional properties. For instance most artefacts, such as chairs, clocks and telephones, are categorized on the basis of their functional properties.
After giving a general presentation of conceptual spaces, I shall outline how the analysis in terms of conceptual spaces can be extended to actions and functional con-cepts. Firstly, I will argue that “action space” can, in principle, be analysed in the same way as e.g. colour space or shape space. One hypothesis is that our categorization of actions to a large extent depends on our “perception” of forces. In line with this, an action will be described as a temporal pattern of forces. When it comes to functional properties, the key idea is that the function of an object can be analysed with the aid of the actions it affords. Functional concepts can then be described as convex regions in an appropriate action space.